Saturday, November 19, 2016

Analog TO THE MAX! Freq Readout for the BITX40

Perhaps this was a reaction to a frustrating morning spent trying to get a 20x4 digital display to work with an Si5351 and an Arduino Uno via an I2C bus (I feel my blood pressure rising just due to the typing of those words).   After much digital fiddling, I called declared a "BASTA!"  and looked around the shack for an antidote for the digital frustration.  There on the bench was my fully analog BITX40Module rig, with its homebrew L-C analog VFO.   It needed a better frequency readout. And this morning, it got one. 
The pointer is Sharpie ink on a bit of PC board.  It is held in place by superglue, suspended about 1/4 inch off the chassis (to reduce dial parallax).  The numerals are in Dymo tape -- there was not enough room for the "7" but I think I will be able to remember this.

73 Bill N2CQR  


  1. Bonjour
    Je recherche comment mettre unDDS sur le bitx40
    73 Paul F5HO

  2. Created a sketch (some more work needed) for the BITX40.

    Connections as done in:

  3. willing to post my sketch but how do i do this here?


    Hope this works. Otherwise drop me a mail via ronvandoremalen @ hotmail . com

  5. I replaced my VFO with a Si5351. All of this is driven by an Arduino (Atmega168), and there's the back-lit LCD to power - I had an insight last evening - well, you're not using the 'TUNING1' connector - if you pull the center out of the 3-pin connector, you have a convenient, regulated, 9V source to power the 'DDS system'. It certainly cleaned up my wiring.
